The “donat-E-shirt” is a philantropist project. I used used T-shirts offered by festival-goers as material. But they weren’t the only one helping me in this process. Creating these unique designer shirts, I had lots of famous Hungarians joining me. The musicians – members of Wellhello band, Bori Péterfy, Magna Cum Laude, Anna Pásztor, Zsófi Tarján, Barna Pély, Sena Dagadu – turned to designers for this project, and using my plans as guidelines, they created T-shirts in their own style. The T-shirts were sold online, through bidding. 100% of the income, nearly 150.000 hufs was offered for the Foundation of the Hospital Bethesda, where they cure children injured in fire.
M2 Petőfi Tv: https://www.facebook.com/m2petofitv/videos/1669814323063196/
Petőfi Rádió: https://www.petofilive.hu/barbiblogja/cikk/2017/12/20/ilyen-kreativak-a-legpeldamutatobb-magyar-zeneszek/
Karc FM 105,9: https://www.mixcloud.com/karcfm/sp%C3%A1jz-2017-12-14-0900-1159-2/
Velvet: https://velvet.hu/kockahas/2017/12/18/ezert_szedette_le_polyak_eszter_a_fesztivalozokrol_a_polot/
Marie Claire: https://marieclaire.hu/divat/2017/12/18/designer-polokkal-segithetunk/
Retikül.hu: http://retikul.hu/2017/12/15/ez_nem_csak_egy_polo_segithetsz_vele_egyedi_kollekcio_magyar_tervezotol_es_ismert_zeneszektol
Fashion by Elisabeth Smith: http://fashionbyelizabethsmith.com/2017/12/18/donat-e-shirt-jotekonysag-es-divat-talalkozasa/
Design: Eszter Polyák
Photo: Noel Szilveszter Dömök
Model: Hédi Szabó